T. ionantha


ionantha and. T. recurvata differ in breeding system, in agreement with predictions based on their strikingly different floral morphologies. Electrophoretic data 

T. ionantha var maxima is the name of the large plant that comes from Huamelula and prior to be being described was called T. ionantha Huamelula. (I refuse to use this name for this plant, as it is very different to the forms of T. ionantha var maxima that Bird Rock Tropicals & Rainforest Flora sells.) I've noticed some eBayers selling clusters of this plant (supplied by Collectors Corner) as Tillandsia ionantha is one of the most popular and eye-catching air plant species, but there are over 500 different types of Tillandsia in total. Compared to other air plants, ionantha is known for being robust, adaptable and needs minimal maintenance—perfect if you haven't cared for these types of plants before. Superbe hybride, rare et costaud. Il ressemble à T. ionantha en géant (20cm). De croissance lente, sa floraison dure plusieurs semaines, son feuillage est souple et pruineux comme T. exserta. Il se caractérise surtout par ses fleurs blanches, ce qui est surprenant pour un T. ionantha.

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Au moment de la floraison, le centre de la plante se colore de rouge vif ! La plante doit pouvoir sécher rapidement après arrosage.. Achat et vente en ligne. Entretien des tillandsia ou filles de l'air. Buy, purchase air plant, Kauf Tillandsien, compra tillandsia, acquisto tillandsia, compra Mes deux formes de T. ionantha : Auteur Message; pinguicule99 Pterophyte Nombre de messages: 225 Age: 27 Localisation: limeil brevanne (94) Emploi/loisirs: Aquariophilie, musique, botanique et mes collec de végétaux Date d'inscription : 30/12/2008: Sujet: Mes deux formes de T. ionantha Lun 22 Juin - 15:09: Tillandsia ionantha "rubra" Tillandsia ionantha "silver" Qui va bientot fleurire :p fleuri le mois dernier https://i.servimg.com/u/f43/17/03/71/88/t_valu10.jpg Accueil / Les plantes / Ionantha. Ionantha.

When they grow larger, they can then be separated from the mother plant T. ionantha v. rubra This type of air plant is a small, ball-shaped air plant with bright green leaves that deepen to a crimson color in the center of the plant. It is heavily covered in trichomes, giving it a fuzzy appearance. 3.

Item 1 - 48 of 102 Like all air plants, Tillandsia ionantha shouldn't be put in a typical potting medium . Tillandsia ionantha is one of the most common and interesting 

T. ionantha

The Tillandsia Ionantha is originally native to Mexico, Costa Rica, and certain areas of South America.

scaposa grows as an epiphyte in Guatemala at altitudes of 1,500 to 2,000 meters.

T. ionantha

Il se caractérise surtout par ses fleurs blanches, ce qui est surprenant pour un T. ionantha. Contrairement aux autres T. ionantha, il ne rougit pas pendant la floraison mais jaunit ! Bref, on peut considérer ce cultivar comme une forme "albinos" de T. ionantha. 18/05/2020 Tillandsia de 10 à 15 cm de diamètre, poussant des les forêts du Guatemala. Similaire à T. ionantha, il s'en distingue par des feuilles plus large. 5,00 € Prix. shopping_basket out of stock.

Ionantha is one of the most attractive of the smaller species. Most of the year it is green, but it will turn a bright Pink when it blooms in order to attract hummingbirds to pollinate it. Tillandsia Ionantha x Concolor is a beautiful hybrid between T. Ionantha and T. Concolor. It looks like a large Ionantha with flat leaves similar to those of the Concolor. Normally its leaves are a slightly muted lime green but it can turn peach/orange with the perfect amount of bright indirect light.

T. ionantha

Sold out MAY OR MAY NOT BE IN FLOWER. CARE: Tillandsia must receive enough bright light (Filtered Sunlight T. Ionantha Rubra Large from 2.80 This variation of ionantha grows thick, succulent like leaves which blush in the most beautiful pastel colors when grown under high light. チランジア / イオナンタ ヴァンハイニンギー S (T.ionantha var. vanhyningii) *A01/Mar06 ¥900; チランジア / カウツキー XL (T.kautskyi) *A01/Dec26 ¥19,800; チランジア / シルベリオ サンチェス (T.'Silberio Sanchez') ★1/3企画 ¥13,320 This is one of if not the most interesting forms of Tillandsia ionantha. The leaves are thick, succulent with lots of cherry color and the leaves are relatively glabrous (not covered with the white, fuzzy, trichomes). The leaves are also quite stiff and strict, that is, they grow straight and don't spread or recurve.

quantité de Ionantha. Ajouter au panier. Catégorie 07/06/2012 Le Tillandsia Ionantha Ionantha est une plante sans terre qui fait penser à un ananas. Des conseils pour l'entretien des Tillandsias et des idées déco pour mettre le Tillandsia dans un cadre végétal, un jardin japonais ou des jardins suspendus.

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The species has little in common morphologically with the species T. ionantha. The fruit is a subcylindric capsule, up to 1.2 inches (3 cm) long. Tillandsia species  

Tillandsia ionantha is one of the most popular and eye-catching air plant species, but there are over 500 different types of Tillandsia in total. Compared to other air plants, ionantha is known for being robust, adaptable and needs minimal maintenance—perfect if you haven't cared for these types of plants before. Tillandsia ionantha, the air plant, is a species in the genus Tillandsia. This species is native to Central America and Mexico. It is also reportedly naturalized in Broward County, Florida.